@Onemanshowoff @Drawsputin Holy shit. Um... I guess I really was ignorant to all this shit. Maybe I was focusing down on showing off to people around me.
That is genuinely terrifying, but I don't know what I can do and what that means for the future. I don't want to go down being paranoid thinking Google wants to kill me just because I said "Hey I love Joker"
Maybe that's why I don't think about this stuff, because I always think it's hopeless and that we're all slaves and blah blah blah.
"tech monopolies turning society into a censorious, nightmare dystopia."
Where was I where I missed that?
Dude, tech monopolies are evil. They make billions, so they get away with pretty bad stuff regarding privacy and censorship.
-Supreme Court questioned the Facebook CEO for privacy concerns and political manipulation by Facebook.
-YouTube de-platforms channels and makes videos invisible, not just for swearing, but for use of words like "nazi" or "racism"; doesn't matter the context if it's for news or education. It's fine when the big corporate channels do it though.
-Google has no problems with communist countries like China censoring their search engine. They constantly get sanctions from different countries for privacy and data protection cases. They once removed "Don't be evil" from the company's code of conduct.
-Twitter shadow bans people with no warning; I've been shadowbanned from ever appearing in suggestions and my art is always marked sensitive no matter what.