I wasn't interested in watching the awards, I made a similar comparison at one point when the oscars were sucking up to Disney/Pixar back when there were other better animated films at the time. It dodged a bullet completely when Spiderverse won the oscar before it went back to square one. The game awards show itself. While I did look up on what was revealed, nothing out of the ordinary caught my interest. Some of the results I wasn't surprised on.
I think the biggest sin that had happened was the fact that Last of us II got the prize rather than Doom(which was quite better) was the fact that another 'sword fighter' got into the Smash game over a blue puppet that controls the stars. Let alone that the majority of the game titles that won(with the exception of Animal Crossing and Among Us) mostly focused on the 'realistic' looking games.
I liked the trailers for The Callisto Protocol, Open Roads, Season, Ark 2, Evil West, and Scarlet Nexus.
Sephiroth announced for Smash Ultimate was also an eye-opening surprise.
Season and Open Roads had beautiful animations styles, which I hope are reflected in actual gameplay, whenever they showcase it. Evil West looks fun; always happy to see more Western-theme games besides Red Dead.
Including Sephiroth in Smash was worth that really dark Mario moment. It made me go, "HOLYSHIT!" O__O'