I am grateful for all the support I received on Patreon the last 3 years. But, I no longer feel that Patreon is a reliable place for NSFW artists to make a living. If you're a fan of NSFW artists, you should tell them to consider alternatives to Patreon as an emergency backup like SubscribeStar or OnlyFans.
I predict Patreon will go the way of Tumblr soon and I plan to delete the Drawsputin Patreon either this month or next month before that happens.
More NSFW art is getting banned. They are monitoring more NSFW artists for any "problematic" art they post OUTSIDE Patreon. Patreon will hold your income HOSTAGE if you don't bend the knee and remove all the "problematic" art from everywhere online. The money is not worth the censorship.
It is only a matter of time before Patreon comes after me or other artists I like. Patreon has become a censorious, controlling beast. The only way to kill the beast is to starve it of money.
It's a shame this means nuking 3 years of Patreon content, but I have all of it saved and plan to post the unreleased content publicly in do time. I would rather burn it all to the ground than have one singular platform control my freedom of expression.
Thank you all again for the support.
Having seen this news all over Newgrounds, Twitter and even in a few Discord servers, I suddenly realized how glad I was that I never remotely bothered to finish setting up whatever page I was going to work on as well. So, I've decided that I'll be setting up a SubscribeStar for next month with proper Subscriber tiers and everything.
Your instincts were very much right.
Best of luck with SubscribeStar! I know lots of artists are moving over to that one now.