Cute, sexy, weird art and animations. For ADULTS only!

Artist / Animator

Joined on 12/4/18

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Drawsputin's News

Posted by Drawsputin - August 27th, 2019

I am taking a hiatus from commissions and Patreon to focus on my education.

I don't want to do customer service for the rest of my life and I can't find better jobs because I never have the skills they look for.

On October 2019, I will pause my Patreon so patrons won't be charged while I am away. I will still post art on occasion on my blogs, but I won't have as much free time for producing weekly content and working on Patreon rewards like before.

I don't know for how long this hiatus will last, but everyone will be notified whenever I feel ready to return to comms or Patreon.

You all motivate me to keep getting better. If a weirdo like me can grow this much and succeed with my weird art, I can succeed at anything! Whether you donated on Patreon, commissioned me, shared my art, or just follow me, I am grateful for all the support. 

I love you all! ❤



Posted by Drawsputin - June 6th, 2019

E3 2019 was much better than last year. E3 2018 was the weakest E3 I ever saw. This year I felt there was more to talk about. Seriously, who expected Keanu Reeves would be the thing to break the internet at E3?

I will say that they showed way too many cinematic trailers. Those don’t impress me anymore because video game graphics look that good now. I want gameplay shown above all else. Also, I felt companies were holding back a lot of their bigger titles for when the next gen consoles get announced. For example, Bethesda didn’t show anything for Starfield and Ubisoft didn’t anything for Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Let me know what you thought. What new games interested you? What company won this year?


Bleeding Edge 

Overwatch meets Borderlands. The game hooked me right away with the amazing character designs. Of all the E3 games, this one had the most personality to me.


Shown by Revolver Digital and described as a “reverse horror game” where you are the monster. You evolve as you consume people inside a government facility while making your escape. It looks like a gruesome, and super fun side scroller.


Ghost Wire Lady

Forget Keanu Reeves! Game director Ikumi Nakamura stole E3 for me in the Bethesda Conference. She was cute, funny, and how she spoke when presenting her game Ghost Wire was so adorable and endearing. I hope Bethesda brings her back next year.


No Sony

I love to see these titans of industry duking it out for our money, on stage, live. I hate that Sony has quit E3 to make their own directs. It’s all likely to have full control of their marketing narrative and so as to not have their announcements overshadowed by Microsoft and Nintendo. Really sucks and it sets a bad precedent for more companies to follow. It kind of takes away the magic and showmanship E3 is known for.



Once again, Evil Assholes continues to surpass my expectations for how awful their conferences are. At least it’s consistent with their brand. The only highlight was Star Wars: Fallen Order gameplay, and even it  looked just okay. Not bad, but nothing amazing either.The rest of the conference was slow, boring, and wasn’t even a presentation. Just hosts interviewing people who work on the games and then showing clips.

And the hosts were either dull or trying too hard to build hype. One of the hosts, Greg Miller, was super obnoxious. He seemed like he was on cocaine the whole time.



I know, I’m surprised to even say it. But of all the other companies, they showed more new stuff we had not seen before. Bleeding Edge, Minecraft Dungeons, 12 Minutes, Blair Witch, Spirit Farer, Way to the Woods, Halo 5, etc. They had lots of memorable moments with Keanu Reeves and the Lego reveal in a Forza game. And they were the first company to tease their next console.

Nintendo, Square Enix, and Bethesda showed new games, but most games shown was DLC or stuff we already saw in previous directs and last E3. Ubisoft had a pretty average conference; the most exciting part was the old lady reveal in Watchdogs Legion. Nintendo definitely had the best intro involving Bowser.

Also, special mention to Revolver Digital’s conference. It was fun to see them take the piss at Nintendo directs and I’m excited to see where their satirical story with Nina Struthers goes. If you haven’t seen past conferences, I highly recommend watching them from the start to follow along and get the jokes. It’s like an Adult Swim show but every episode comes out once a year.



Posted by Drawsputin - May 15th, 2019

I just finished Season 1 of Love, Death & Robots. It was great!

Personally, I feel animation in the US has become stale, and boring. It’s always the same artstyles, same tired humor, same story formulas, and it perpetuates the stereotype that all animation is for kids. Meanwhile, “mature” animation in the US is mostly comedies with cheap, Family Guy-tier animation and humor.

This anthology series gives me hope for more animation with mature storytelling and movie-quality production values. I enjoyed how there were so many different styles of 3D and 2D animation from different studios around the world.

Not every episode works as a standalone short. Some feel more like pilots to shows, such as “Sucker of Souls”; so when they end they feel unsatisfying. Others are more flash than substance; like demo reels or promos to sell a video game that doesn’t exist, such as “Blindspot”. Still, even ones I didn’t like, there was at least 1 or 2 things that I enjoyed or appreciated.

My favorite episodes were “The Witness”, “Suits”, “Good Hunting”, “Fish Night”, and “Zima Blue”.

My least favorite episodes were “When the Yogurt Took Over” and “Sonnie’s Edge”.

If you watched Season 1, what were your favorite episodes? Are you interested in Season 2 and what would you like to see?

I would love for them to make at least one superhero story and one episode with stop motion animation.



Posted by Drawsputin - May 11th, 2019

I've seen Newground art posts with multiple images. Does anyone know how to do this? I've only been able to do one.

The faster I can figure it out, the faster I can upload Lucoa tiddie from Patreon.

I appreciate any information you guys can provide. Thanks!



Posted by Drawsputin - May 4th, 2019

There was a big shake up at my customer service job. We’re not getting fired, but we are now in new accounts, with no benefits, doing more work, for the same minimum wage, handling home/personal care products instead of robots.


( SIGH ) I may be looking for better job openings while working there, but that won't stop me.

I'll still keep posting art and I appreciate all the support I get on Patreon and all my other blogs.



Posted by Drawsputin - April 12th, 2019

...not as bad a turd as I thought it was going to be. Rheee Larson’s acting was good, aliens were neat, and Carol and Nick Fury had fun chemistry. Most hated part was the reveal of how Fury lost his eye. I felt it ruined Fury's character; now every time he's on screen acting cool, I'll just laugh cause of how he lost his eye. 

Little worried MCU is becoming too woke, safe, and less concerned with story. Not helped by every media outlet and rotten tomatoes white knighting for this movie so hard. This is was just a forgettable popcorn flick, like Solo, and they act like it's as good as The Dark Knight or Into the Spider-verse. They give Captain Mehvel a pass cause it starts a woman in the lead role and it pushes their social justice agenda.

Even if you enjoyed Captain Mehvel, you have to admit Wonder Woman was better. Diana was more likable and strong without overcompensating with forced feminism. Carol doesn't struggle or evolve much in the story. She's a sassy, strong independent woman from start to finish. The only difference being her memories returned. I don't mind that she's super powerful, and sassy, but her characterization is weak compared to any of the other Avengers.

I admit to being biased. I find Rheee Larson to be a snooty c-word who makes it REALLY hard for some MCU fans to like her.



Posted by Drawsputin - February 24th, 2019

Any donation amount helps me spend more time doing what I love! As well as help me continue pushing my skills to make better art. Rewards and tiers listed below!.


Here's also a sneak peek at some of the art you get early access to.


For any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Even if you can't donate, thank you all for being awesome! 



Posted by Drawsputin - December 4th, 2018

My name is Drawsputin. For two years I had a TUMBLR page where I posted my art and animations. A lot of it was lewd and NSFW. Sadly starting Dec 17, ALL NSFW content will be banned on Tumblr. Now lots of artists like myself have migrated to other sites, like Newgrounds. 

I am also on TWITTER and PATREON

I will be reposting a lot of my old art here on Newgrounds in case my Tumblr gets nuked.

Never used Newgrounds before, so I don't know how much interest there is for my art, but we'll see.